Feedback for increased self-management and better data

Increased insight into your own illness leads to better motivation and registrations

PRO platform with app registration and insights into your own data

In fecal incontinence, patient records include information about when they feel the urge to go to the toilet, didn't make it to the toilet in time and their stool type. There is a lot to record, and records of this type can be uncomfortable and inconvenient for many patients. Journl Platform replaces paper forms with a simple and easy-to-use app that speeds up the registration process and gives patients more discretion in their daily lives. Furthermore, the app gives patients insight into their own data, with the goal of improving patient knowledge and motivation.

Patients express that the app has quickly become a regular part of their everyday life, where they do not experience registration as a negative task, but as an effort that can benefit themselves. At the same time, patients are more motivated to register as they are interested in their own data and in seeing what their bowel movements look like.

"Registration has just run smoothly. It has been very easy"
- Patient, Anal Physiology Clinic, Aarhus University Hospital
"I wanted to continue to register after the course so I could see my data. It was quite strange in the days after the program to get used to the fact that I didn't have to register"
- Patient, Anal Physiology Clinic, Aarhus University Hospital

Patients express a general enthusiasm for how the Journl Platform gives them an insight into their own data and bowel movement patterns that was not possible before.

"The app is a very good overview for my own sake of how it fluctuates from day to day"
- Patient, Anal Physiology Clinic, Aarhus University Hospital
"You can always go back and keep track of developments"
- Patient, Anal Physiology Clinic, Aarhus University Hospital

The increased insight has resulted in patients being able to actively use their knowledge to manage symptoms and gain a better understanding of their own body, and they feel more in control of their symptoms. Continuous registration and data that is always up to date provides a more accurate picture for patients and is seen as a great advantage over paper registration.

"My condition is not as bad as I might have made it out to be because I can track it in the app."
- Patient, Anal Physiology Clinic

Videos create comfort and familiarity

First time patients log in to the Journl App, they are presented with a series of videos where staff from the department present the purpose of the app and how patients should register. Video as a medium works well for talking at eye level with patients and, in our experience, is the best tool to help patients get started when they are sitting at home and about to start a new registration process.

"I actually think it has helped me feel better about my problems. Here you can sit right away and assess it here and now, rather than answering questions 14 days later"
- Patient, Anal Physiology Clinic, Aarhus University Hospital

Insight increases patient empowerment

In a disease situation, patients often have a feeling of powerlessness. It is important that we support the individual patient's ability to take control of their own life to the extent possible. Through increased insight, Journl Platform contributes to patients being able to turn knowledge into action and better manage their lives in relation to their illness. Patients become better at managing symptoms and get a more accurate picture of their disease, which can help reduce anxiety and fear.

"I am much more motivated to do something to improve my symptoms"
- Patient, Anal Physiology Clinic, Aarhus University Hospital
"I'm not as panicky about going to the toilet as I was before"
- Patient, Anal Physiology Clinic, Aarhus University Hospital

Participants in the project